Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi undertook a mission to Black Stall Station, the secret outpost of bounty hunter Cad Bane, during the Clone Wars. Having captured Bane on Naboo after he had abducted two Force-sensitive infants, the Jedi sought the kidnapped children, the holocron and kyber memory crystal Bane had earlier stolen which contained the Jedi Order's list of known Force-sensitive children, and information as to who had hired Bane in the first place. However, while Windu and Kenobi were able to retrieve the holocron and memory crystal, Bane escaped and the space station was destroyed. The children were safely rescued by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who found information on the fuel computer of Bane's Xanadu Blood that led them to a facility on the planet Mustafar. However, Bane's escape and the facility's destruction left the Jedi with no answers as to the true mastermind of the entire plot.