Mission to Iceberg Three

The Mission to Iceberg Three occurred in 21 BBY during the Clone Wars, following General Grievous's Separatist invasion of the Calamari system. In response to this, the Jedi Order dispatched Plo Koon, Wolffe, and a Jedi Knight to stop the invasion forces on Iceberg Three. While the attack on Iceberg Three was halted, and the Republic's outpost and the natives of Iceberg Three were saved, the events eventually led to a full-scale conflict on Mon Cala.

The battle

Shortly after King Yos Kolina spoke with Plo Koon and Anakin Skywalker, the Republic outpost on Iceberg Three reported a Separatist fleet was within attack range. The Jedi Order responded by sending a Republic fleet led by General Koon and Commander Wolffe, but upon arrival, they found out that the Separatists had already blockaded the planet. Koon turned to the Jedi Knight, who led a starfighter attack and managed to punch a hole through the fleet with minimal casualties, and then rendezvoused with Koon at the Republic outpost in sector 327.

Upon arrival, Koon required to make contact with the Jedi High Council to inform them of the Republic's slipping hold on the Calamari system, Commander Wolffe and the Jedi Knight took a single LAAT/i gunship to the last standing communications tower on the comet, and pushed through the heavy fire of the large amounts of droid forces already on the surface, including Vulture-class droid starfighters, Hyena-class bombers, droid tri-fighters, along with multiple ground units. Once they had relayed the news of General Grievous's invasion to the High Council, Wolffe and the Jedi Knight returned to the Republic outpost.

With the battle becoming far too intense, Koon decided to evacuate the natives of the area to the safety of his Venator-class Star Destroyer. However, General Grievous intended to capture the refugees, and sent many of his forces, including BX-series droid commandos, Single Trooper Aerial Platforms, Armored Assault Tanks, DSD1 dwarf spider droids, and NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers, in a C-9979 landing craft to stop the transports loaded with the refugees from leaving the planet. To counter it, Wolffe had his engineers prepare blaster turret defense platforms, and placed them, along with the clone troopers of Wolfpack, under the command of the Jedi Knight to stop the droids' advance, while Koon engaged the Separatist fleet in orbit. Wolffe and the troopers of Wolfpack defended the two paths leading to the outpost alongside the Jedi Knight, and only stopping to re-supply with ammunition. Wolffe and the Jedi Knight were able to hold off the invaders long enough for all three waves of the Republic's refugee transports to safely launch from the base.

Once all the droids had been pushed back, and the refugees moved safely, Commander Wolffe prepared a LAAT/i gunship to leave the planet before Grievous could send reinforcements. However, just as the 104th Battalion prepared to retreat from Iceberg Three, Grievous landed at the outpost to personally lead his forces to victory. Wolffe and his men left the task of battling Grievous to the Jedi Knight, who managed to defeat the Separatist general in a one-on-one lightsaber duel. Swiftly defeating him, Grievous retreated to his fleet, as did Wolffe and the Jedi Knight.


While the droids on Iceberg Three had been repelled, the Republic was not able to expel Grievous's forces from the system. In addition to this, the Jedi soon learned that King Yos Kolina had been assassinated, and consequentially, the tension between the Mon Calamari and the Quarren on Mon Cala had greatly increased, nearing the point of civil war. In response, the Republic sent ambassadors, Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, to stabilize the conflict. The Confederacy, however, had dispatched an envoy of their own, the Karkarodon commander Riff Tamson. Amidala and Skywalker failed to prevent hostilities, with Tamson provoking the Quarren and rallying them in an assault against the Mon Calamari, leading to the Battle of Mon Cala.


  • Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures — "Shop"



