In an attempt to develop a counter for the Galactic Empire's new cloaking device technology, the Alliance to Restore the Republic planned to steal a TIE Phantom from the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Terror. Admiral Gial Ackbar dispatched Rookie One, escorted by Admiral Krane and Darnell Reggs, to rendezvous with Commander Ru Murleen on Imdaar, where the Terror was known to be headed.
After leaving the Alliance Fleet, the three Rebel pilots were forced to fight their way through numerous TIE/IN interceptors in their BTL Y-wing starfighters before reaching Ceti 597, from where Rookie One proceeded alone. After flying his way through a defensive asteroid belt, he finally reached Imdaar. Rookie One met up with his old tutor, Ru Murleen and after reaching an Imperial space platform, they hijacked the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Epsilon Four.
Posing as Stormtroopers, the two Rebels boarded and infiltrated the Terror but their cover was quickly exposed. After being inquired by a nosy Imperial officer, they ran away and had to fight their way to the hangar hoping to steal one of the Phantom ships. Reaching a dead end they had to pass through the sewers but even there, Stormtroopers and Remotes attempted to stop them. Darth Vader, who at that time was on the ship had sensed their presence, and ordered Admiral Sarn to terminate them.
The two saboteurs however, managed to re-emerge in the hangar, while an Officer was scolding a Stormtrooper guard who was dozing off while on duty. Hijacking a TIE Phantom, they flew around the Dreadnought's interiors but the Imperials acted quickly to close the hangar doors and prevent their escape. Murleen altered her plan and took the ship through the superstructure to look for another way out—a search which eventually led them to the ship's main reactor. Realizing that they had the opportunity to destroy the Terror and its complement of TIE Phantoms, Rookie One targeted the reactor's beam focusers, causing it to go critical. The Rebels escaped in their stolen TIE as explosions began to erupt throughout the Super Star Destroyer while it was docked over Imdaar Alpha.
As Murleen plotted a course to the rendezvous point, they came under attack from TIE Phantoms. With their escape route cut off, the Rebels were forced to turn around and head back towards the Terror. Murleen skimmed their TIE along the surface of the doomed Star Destroyer while Rookie One fought off waves of TIE Phantoms. Despite his best efforts, the situation was beginning to look bleak when Murleen finally discovered how to engage the cloaking device, hiding them from their pursuers.
Lord Vader escaped the destruction of the Terror, but executed Admiral Sarn for his incompetence before leaving. All other hands on board were lost when the vessel exploded, damaging as well as revealing the cloaked Imdaar Alpha research station below.
Seeing now where the Phantoms actually originated, and without having such orders, Ru Murleen flew their Phantom inside the facility. Reasoning that the Alliance didn't stand a chance if a force this massive were to be unleashed, the two agents began to wreak havoc inside the massive structure. The facility was destroyed when its reactor was damaged by the two Infiltrators and went critical. The blast completely destroyed all TIE Phantoms within, as well as several Star Destroyers in dock with the station; Imdaar Alpha suffered catastrophic damage as a result of the blast, but the two Rebels fled with their prize.
Escaping the destruction in his TIE Advanced x1, Darth Vader was scolded by Emperor Palpatine for the ineffectiveness of his invisible fleet, but Vader was hardly discouraged. Indeed, after depriving the Imperial Navy of the whole retinue of TIE Phantoms and having one prototype to study and reverse-engineer, the two saboteurs arrived to their temporary base where Rookie One was congratulated by Admiral Krane. However, not much later, as per Imperial protocol, the TIE Phantom was self-destructed, ensuring that the Alliance would never gain access to its unique technology.
- "Who's Who: Imperial Grand Admirals" — Star Wars Insider 66
- The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- The New Essential Chronology
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III
- The Essential Guide to Warfare