Mission to Moraband

During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Yoda undertook a mission to Moraband, the ancient homeworld of the Sith, while on a journey to discover the secrets of eternal consciousness within the Force. It was on Moraband that Yoda faced his fears as part of his trials to be deemed worthy to learn the secrets of immortality. Yoda himself also hoped to learn the identity of Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith and shadowy mastermind of the Clone Wars.

Upon his arrival on Moraband, Yoda was confronted by illusions of Sith wraiths, as well as the specter of Darth Bane, the ancient Sith Lord who created the Rule of Two. Yoda next saw a vision of Sifo-Dyas, the Jedi Master who ordered the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic; the vision was conjured by Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Count Dooku, who monitored Yoda from afar. Sidious created another vision, of Yoda leading Jedi to confront Sidious on Coruscant. In the vision, Yoda was faced with the choice of letting Anakin Skywalker die and defeat the Dark Lord, or sacrifice himself to save his friend. Yoda chose to sacrifice himself, an act that led to the completion of his trials. Yoda would go on to learn the secrets of eternal consciousness and return as a spirit after his death.




