The Mission to Rodia, also known as the Capture of Nute Gunray or the rescue of Senator Padmé Amidala, was a mission to the planet Rodia that took place during the Clone Wars.
The Mission to Rodia made its first appearance in the opening narration of "Ambush," the premiere episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which first aired on October 3, 2008. The mission made its first proper appearance in the later episode "Bombad Jedi." It was first identified in the 2015 reference book Ultimate Star Wars.
The 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition stated that Onaconda Farr renounced his Separatist allies a short time after he started working with them. However, the 2019 Fantasy Flight Games sourcebook Rise of the Separatists states that Farr's deal with the Separatists lasted for nearly a year into the war. As Rise of the Separatists is only a roleplay sourcebook, this article assumes The Complete Visual Dictionary is correct.