Mission to Talay

Kyle Katarn undertook a mission to Talay, a planet in the Mid Rim, after the Rebel Tak Base was annihilated by an as-yet-unknown force. After completing the mission, the Rebel Alliance discovered the Empire's Dark Trooper Project was responsible for the massacre.


After the attack on Tak Base, where the existence of a never-before-seen kind of Imperial super-soldiers was witnessed, Rebel Command authorised Mon Mothma to contact Commander Kyle Katarn, a mercenary who had helped them with Operation Skyhook earlier, and hire him to investigate what happened to the Tak Base.

Leia Organa mistrusted Katarn, but Mon Mothma insisted because of his efficiency during the Mission to Danuta and Operation Skyhook. Katarn responded quickly, and after being briefed, he demanded that he would be accompanied by Jan Ors, as his mission officer.

The mission

Katarn traveled to Talay in the Moldy Crow.

Katarn traveled to Talay in the Moldy Crow.

When the Moldy Crow left Katarn on a landing platform, he first saw the ruined city settlements; the ground was scattered with dead burnt bodies, the result of the massacre. The whole city was now "inhabited" by stormtroopers who secured the place.

Initially, he saw that the whole area was devoid of power. Defending himself from the stormtroopers, he managed to reach and restart the hydro-electric power generator.

With power now activated, he was able to activate the rotating bridge which connected the city with the main Tak Base. The Base was far more heavily guarded, but Katarn reached the headquarters and found a discarded Imperial repeater rifle, too large to be carried by a normal Human soldier. Considering this finding important, he took it and returned to his ship.

Behind the scenes

After the Moldy Crow disappears from Katarn's view, using cheat codes, the ship can be found behind the wall it passes over, however it is found as an extremely miniature version of itself.


  • Dark Forces Official Player's Guide
  • The New Essential Guide to Characters
  • Nexus of Power
  • Star Wars: The Card GameGalactic Ambitions






