Set up by the Galactic Empire to oversee mining operations on the planet, the Heep used the moisture eater to harvest condensation from the surrounding farmland. The moisture was then used to cool the massive droid's internal machinery.
The resulting drought crippled Biituian farmlands in the district, and it was this injustice that spurred explorer Mungo Baobab into action. Through the efforts of him and his droids (R2-D2 and C-3PO), Mungo crippled both the Great Heep and the moisture eater.
Set up by the Galactic Empire to oversee mining operations on the planet, the Heep used the moisture eater to harvest condensation from the surrounding farmland. The moisture was then used to cool the massive droid's internal machinery.
The resulting drought crippled Biituian farmlands in the district, and it was this injustice that spurred explorer Mungo Baobab into action. Through the efforts of him and his droids (R2-D2 and C-3PO), Mungo crippled both the Great Heep and the moisture eater.