Molecular shielding, also known as a molecular shield, was a special type of deflector shield.
The Star Home, the transport of the Hapan Queen Mother utilized a unique molecular shielding system to reinforce its hollowed out basalt base.
This advanced technology was developed in 10 ABY, and was heavily used by X-1 Viper droids as a full coverage energy shell. This energy shell served to not just deflect or neutralize energy weapons, however, but absorbed their energy and converted it, using it to power the war machine's own weapons and shields.
As a result the molecular shielding installed on these droids made them extremely durable, and the X-1 Viper was considered essentially invulnerable to all short-range energy weapons and artillery pieces. While able to absorb and convert high grade weapons fire - such as ion cannons, turbolasers, and energy torpedoes - the molecular shielding could be overwhelmed by such fire, though it still required an inordinate amount of firepower to do so.
Despite the extreme durability of molecular shielding, the shields only absorbed energy based attacks, and were worthless against a physical attack; X-1's were thus helpless when the reborn Emperor's Chrysalide beasts tore into them, completely bypassing their shields.
- Cracken's Threat Dossier
- The Essential Guide to Droids
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia