Mongo Beefhead patties were served at Dex's Diner, a diner operated by the Besalisk cook Dexter Jettster in the CoCo Town district of the planet Coruscant. The patties shared their name with the Mongo Beefhead species. The patties were seasoned, hand-formed, and had no present additives or Gank fillers. They were served on trans-shipped, medium-density food-boards and were used in several of the sliders in the diner, which included the Coruscant slider, Giju slider, Khomm slider, Socorro slider, Talus and Tralus slider, and the Zeltros sliders. The patties were served prior to the diner's destruction by the Galactic Empire between 19 BBY and 18 BBY.
Mongo Beefhead patties were first mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace-exclusive article written by Gregory Walker. The article was formatted as an in-universe menu for Dex's Diner. Walker's fondness for unused concepts led to them naming the patties after the Mongo Beefhead species which first appeared in the canceled The Epic Continues toy line from the company Kenner.
Mongo Beefhead patties were first mentioned in "Dining at Dex's," a 2009 Hyperspace-exclusive article written by Gregory Walker. The article was formatted as an in-universe menu for Dex's Diner. Walker's fondness for unused concepts led to them naming the patties after the Mongo Beefhead species which first appeared in the canceled The Epic Continues toy line from the company Kenner.