Monor IICanonLegendsInfinities Sources Alien EncountersThe New Jedi Order SourcebookDroids, Technology and the Force: A Clash of Phenomena on HyperspaceThe New Essential ChronologyThe Complete Star Wars EncyclopediaThe Essential Reader's CompanionAppearances"To Fight Another Day" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (First mentioned) (as Monor) (Unknown)Unknown UnknownNone"Only Droids Serve the Maker" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 (First appearance) (Unknown)Unknown UnknownNone"The Prize Pelt: The Tale of Bossk" — Tales of the Bounty Hunters (Mentioned only) (Unknown)Unknown UnknownNoneThe New Jedi Order: Balance Point (Mentioned only) (Unknown)Unknown UnknownNoneThe New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force (Mentioned only) (Unknown)Unknown UnknownNone