Mos Eisley Biolab

Mos Eisley Biolab was a biotechnology company based in Mos Eisley, on the planet Tatooine.


The Twi'lek biologist Derg Prantis served as chief scientist and one of his employees was the Aqualish lab assistant Bera Jeza. By the time of the Battle of Yavin, Derg Prantis obtained a sample of the dreadful Blackwing virus from an Imperial scientist. Prantis therefore conducted his own research on the virus in order to create a super soldier drug. The scientist recruited Bera Jeza to help him the project. However, Jeza soon betrayed her employer and contacted Hutt Crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure to sell him the super soldier drug. In 1 ABY, the laboratory in Mos Eisley was ravaged and the scientists Bera Jeza and Derg Prantis were assassinated. Because of the relationship between Bera Jeza and the Crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Bib Fortuna hired a spacer to investigate the murders. Thanks to the help of the slicer Cale Herron, the investigation eventually led to the discovery of the Blackwing virus outbreak on Dathomir.

Behind the scenes

The Mos Eisley Biolab appeared as a location in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011. The Mos Eisley Biolab was added to the game with the "Game Update 13", released on September 30, 2009. This location was part of the questline "Something is Obviously Wrong," an introduction to the "Death Troopers" update.



