A Force-sensitive human female served as Matron of the Mountain Clan, a clan of Dathomiri witches operating in the mountains of the planet Dathomir, during the Clone Wars. Following the massacre of the Nightsisters at the hands of General Grievous, she briefly took in the orphaned Nightsister Morgan Elsbeth. She was the mother of Nali.
The Mountain Clan Matron could use a form of white energy to teleport and make barriers around herself and create shockwaves capable of dispatching the droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She was also able to see into the future, as she saw the events of Morgan's own future and pitied her over what was to come.
The Mountain Clan Matron could use a form of white energy to teleport and make barriers around herself and create shockwaves capable of dispatching the droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She was also able to see into the future, as she saw the events of Morgan's own future and pitied her over what was to come.