Murra (individual)

Murra was the wife of the Imperial Moff Delian Mors. In 18 BBY, she died in a transport accident on the planet Coruscant. Mors grieved her death for several years after her passing, choosing to adopt a hedonistic lifestyle and becoming apathetic toward her work as a moff.


The female individual Murra was the wife of the Imperial Moff Delian Mors. In 18 BBY, Murra died in a transport accident on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant when the vessel she was riding in crashed into a building due to a system malfunction. After Murra's death, Mors grieved deeply and spent a lot of time thinking about her wife's last moments.

Although Delian Mors served as a moff on Ryloth (pictured) after Murra's death, her grief interfered with her duties.

Although Delian Mors served as a moff on Ryloth (pictured) after Murra's death, her grief interfered with her duties.

In the years following, Mors continued working for the Empire while on the planet Ryloth. She slowly began to develop a solely hedonistic style of life and became apathetic toward her duties as a moff. Blinded by grief, Mors started to promote those who flattered her to higher positions of authority, such as Colonel Belkor Dray, and ignored other hard-working officers. At some point, Imperial Captain Steen Borkas, one of Mors' colleagues, learned of Murra's transport accident.

In 14 BBY, the Free Ryloth Movement's resistance fighters collaborated with Dray to launch a coordinated attack on Ryloth's Imperial satellite dishes in an attempt to assassinate Emperor Palpatine and the Sith Lord Darth Vader. After the attack, Borkas mentioned Murra's passing to Mors, inferring that the moff's lack of competency and knowledge about their Ryloth operations might be because of her grief. Mors agreed with him, mentally considering Morra's death's effect on her and realizing that her grief-driven promotion of Dray had been a bad idea.

Behind the scenes

Murra was mentioned in Lords of the Sith, a 2015 novel written by Paul S. Kemp.






