Musson system

The Musson system was a part of the Karthakk sector in the Trailing Sectors portion of the Outer Rim Territories. By 7 ABY, the Quarren pirate Jerresk, along with a group of henchmen, successfully carried out a raid on a New Republic supply ship traveling to the Musson system. That year, the system was mentioned by the New Republic general Airen Cracken in an entry of the datafile Wanted by Cracken dedicated to Jerresk. The entry also listed the Savareen sector's Fordon system as Jerresk's last known location following the attack.

The Musson system was first mentioned in the 1993 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square Q-16.

Behind the scenes

The Musson system was first mentioned in the 1993 Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game supplement Wanted by Cracken, which was written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square Q-16.

