Aree's ship becomes infested with a hoard of energy-hungry mynocks, and it's up to Cam to keep the lights on!
SF-R3 ("Aree") and CAM visit an asteroid to investigate how to find a mynock. Sincy mynocks feed on energy, SF-R3 hopes to use a battery to lure one out. He plants several batteries on an asteroid and soon encounters a mynock hiding in a rock. The droids soon realize that they are powered by energy and are forced to flee a flock of mynocks. They flee aboard their starship but realize that several mynocks have snuck onto their ship. In desperation, Aree releases the airlock, causing the two droids and the mynocks to be sucked out into space.
However, CAM manages to rescue Aree and uses its inbuilt thruster to bring Aree back into the starship. Aree concludes that droids should stay away from mynocks since they feed on droids. He also lists several fun facts about mynocks including that they reproduce by splitting in half.