Nae Nuuv

Nae Nuuv was a Sullustan male who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. When the subsequent Galactic War broke out between the two powers, Nuuv underwent the Jedi Trials, and his first assignment as a Jedi Knight in 3640 BBY was to aid the Republic Military in the ongoing battle on the planet Corellia.


Nae Nuuv was a Sullustan male who was found to be Force-sensitive and inducted into the Jedi Order. He was trained as a Jedi Padawan by Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. In 3640 BBY, during the subsequent Galactic War between the Republic and the Empire, Nuuv underwent the Jedi Trials and became a Jedi Knight—and was promptly sent to the embattled planet of Corellia, where he aided other Jedi and the Republic Military in the ongoing Battle of Corellia. Nuuv was one of the few Jedi still alive on Corellia when the Order's Grand Master, Satele Shan, dispatched Jedi reinforcements to the planet.

Personality and traits

Nae Nuuv was of the diminutive Sullustan species and had large, black eyes and gray-brown skin. A wise-cracking young Jedi, Nuuv had a fondness for alcohol and was often easily excited or even angered, particularly after experiencing days of battle on Corellia and succumbing to combat stress. Nuuv was troubled by the number of Jedi deaths he witnessed on Corellia, leading him to question the Order's belief that the light side of the Force was stronger than the dark side.


Nuuv wore Jedi robes that were brown with gray-green markings and patterns.

Behind the scenes

Nae Nuuv first appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a 2011 video game produced by BioWare and LucasArts. Nuuv will only appear in the Jedi Knight mission "Jedi Commander" on Corellia if the player fails to redeem the Dark Jedi Bengel Morr during the Prologue, and Nuuv will then appear in Morr's place in the Rusty Freighter, a cantina in the Blastfield Shipyards district. He will continue to appear in Morr's place in all subsequent cutscenes, though neither Nuuv nor Morr speak to the player after their initial meeting. As a Republic character, the Jedi Knight is assumed to only choose the moral light-side options, so this article assumes that the player successfully defeated Morr and allowed him to be rehabilitated by the Jedi Order, and thus never encountered Nuuv. While his ultimate fate is left unknown in the light-side scenario, Nuuv's comments about his time on Corellia before the Hero of Tython's arrival are still taken to be correct.



