Nahut, also known as the God of Apathy and reviled as the Hated Son, was one of the six primary Old Gods, the deities worshiped by the people of the planet Zakuul prior to Valkorion's ascension to Immortal Emperor. One of the four children of Izax and Scyva, Nahut was considered to be gray, formless and cold, and was denied worship by all except his mother Scyva. The Old Ways taught that Zakuulans should not follow Nahut into darkness, but should instead "light the way" to bring Nahut home.
Nahut originated as an experimental Iokath titanic wardroid superweapon, built by an ancient, but highly advanced people. He, along with his five brothers and sisters, were tested on several unsuspecting worlds, leading to over ten trillion casualties, one of the worlds being Zakuul, which is why Nahut was seen as a god there.