Nank Tun


As the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, Tun remained close to Nudo, advising the Aqualish on matters relating to his position on the Separatist Council. As an aide, they wrote drafts, sent secret messages, and managed Nudo's meetings. When the Separatist leadership was sent to Mustafar, Tun joined Nudo and the other leaders at the Klegger Corp Mining Facility where the Confederacy's mysterious benefactor Darth Sidious assured they would be safe. Welcoming Sidious' apprentice Darth Vader, the Aqualish and the rest of the Separatist Council soon realized they were in danger. Cowering alongside Nudo as Vader ignited his lightsaber, his protective breastplate did little to stop the blue-bladed weapon as it struck, killing them instantly. Vader would then finish off the rest of the Council.

Behind the scenes

In the Legends continuity, Tun was a Shi'ido shapeshifter posing as an Aqualish, but the canon reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia described the aide as a real Aqualish. They were played by a in all the prequels.


  • Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia






