Nardi Shodu

Nardi Shodu first appeared in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones in which she was played by an uncredited extra. The extra, who is a man, was interviewed while standing alongside the extra who portrayed Necil Sing and the footage was included in one of web documentaries posted on The short documentary, titled "A twinkle beyond Pluto" was also amongst the additional features included on the Episode II DVD. Shodu was first named in the 2004 article "Who's Who in the Outlander Club: It's Ladies' Night" which was written by Daniel Wallace and published in Star Wars Insider 75.

Behind the scenes

Nardi Shodu first appeared in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones in which she was played by an uncredited extra. The extra, who is a man, was interviewed while standing alongside the extra who portrayed Necil Sing and the footage was included in one of web documentaries posted on The short documentary, titled "A twinkle beyond Pluto" was also amongst the additional features included on the Episode II DVD. Shodu was first named in the 2004 article "Who's Who in the Outlander Club: It's Ladies' Night" which was written by Daniel Wallace and published in Star Wars Insider 75.







