

In 3626 BBY, Navolii was approached by advocates for the Feast of Prosperity after speaking to Jek-Burz and asked to help establish the Feast on Rishi. She agreed to help if the advocates investigated the residential water supply beneath Raider's Cove for signs of sabotage.

Behind the scenes

Navolii will ask the player character to investigate the residential water supply beneath Raider's Cove. She admits that it might just be crabs causing any damages to it, however she suspects that the supply is being sabotaged. If the player chooses to investigate, they will find out that she was correct, as the Nova Blades had been secretly sabotaging them.

Alternatively, the player character can simply threaten Navolii into supporting the Feast, and skip investigating altogether.

Regardless of option chosen, Navolii will promise to vote towards allowing the Feast of Prosperity onto Rishi.



