Nelvaanese was the native language of the Nelvaanian species from Nelvaan.
Bothan traders incorporated Nelvaanese phrases into trade dialects that could be found in the vicinity of Nelvaan. Obi-Wan Kenobi learned some of these dialects while he was traveling with Qui-Gon Jinn.
Nelvaanese is based on Hungarian, probably because Genndy Tartakovsky's wife is from Hungary. Some phrases from Star Wars: Clone Wars are:
- Az ördög az enyém, mindent elrontottál. Ez volt az én próbám - The devil is mine. You ruined everything. It was my trial.
- Elrontottátok a tesztet. - You messed up the test. (Here, "you" is plural)
- Meg kell ezt beszélnünk Anakitusz szellemével. - We must discuss this with the spirit of Anakitus.
- Holt Kezed - your dead hand
- Ez egy kicsit fájni fog. - This will hurt a bit.
Apu - daddy, father, colloqiual
- Orvos - doctor
- Nem tudtál? Nem tudtál így beszélni? - Couldn't you? Couldn't speak this tongue?
The speech of mutated Nelvaanians sounds notably different and is based on Russian, which is Genndy Tartakovsky's native language. Some phrases are:
- Ya dolzhen eto ubrat ("Я должен это убрать") - I must remove this.
- Ne mozhem bolshe terpet ("Не можем больше терпеть") - We cannot tolerate this any longer.
- My mozhem idti domoy. Idyom domoy!" ("Мы можем идти домой. Идем домой!") - We can go home. Let's go home!
- Wam tuda ("Вам туда") - That way.
- The Clone Wars Campaign Guide