New Codia

New Codia was a location in the galaxy. It shared its name with the Mid Rim Territories' Codia system.

In 19 BBY, Galactic Republic Senator Padmé Amidala traveled to the the Outer Rim Territories' planet Batuu to meet with her former handmaiden Duja. After she arrived on Batuu and discovered that Duja had been killed, Amidala visited a cantina in Black Spire Outpost. Not wanting to reveal to the bartender, Janott, her true reason for being on Batuu, Amidala instead told him she was supposed to be meeting a man named "Kuseph Jovi" to give him his new starship. When the Senator added that she was not sure why "Jovi" had chosen a location like Batuu for the transfer point, Janott unfavorably compared Batuu to New Codia. Amidala agreed before wondering whether New Codia was a star system, a planet or a city.

New Codia was mentioned in the 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances, written by Timothy Zahn.

Behind the scenes

New Codia was mentioned in the 2018 novel Thrawn: Alliances, written by Timothy Zahn.






