Nima Allets debuted in the first volume of the 2021 Japanese manga series Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance, written by Justina Ireland and Shima Shinya, and illustrated by Mizuki Sakakibara. Her concept art is labeled "Mina" in The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One) reference book.
Nima Allets debuted in the first volume of the 2021 Japanese manga series Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance, written by Justina Ireland and Shima Shinya, and illustrated by Mizuki Sakakibara. Her concept art is labeled "Mina" in The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One) reference book.
- The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Phase One)
- Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Timelines
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia