North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show


The RA-7 protocol droid made its first public appearance at the North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show on Zug.

The RA-7 protocol droid made its first public appearance at the North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show on Zug.

At some point around 22 BBY, the North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show was held on the planet Aargau. Arakyd Industries unveiled its first RA-7 protocol droids during the event, thus announcing its entry into the protocol droid market.

Behind the scenes

The North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show was first mentioned in The New Essential Guide to Droids, a 2006 reference book written by Daniel Wallace.

In his endnotes for The New Essential Guide to Droids, Wallace explained that the North Quadrant Intergalactic Automaton Show on Zug mirrored the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.


  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
