Nurls Yorksin


Nurls Yorksin was a female Twi'lek who lived on Coruscant during the time of the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. During this time, Yorksin worked as an undercover agent for the Republic Strategic Information Service, gathering intelligence at the Senate Plaza.

When it came to Yorkin's attention that Black Sun thugs were hijacking the cargoes of honest shippers, Yorksin enlisted the help of an independent individual, as she did not wish to blow any of her fellow agents' cover. As the independent agent located Black Sun loader droids and downloaded their memories, the agents of Strategic Info Service were able to locate the stolen cargo and infiltrate Black Sun's warehouses.

Behind the scenes

Nurls Yorksin appears in the mission "The Freightskippers" in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide



