Ocktai system

The Ocktai system was a star system where a fleet of Nihil marauders was situated during the High Republic Era. In 230 BBY, a number of Jedi, including Jedi Knight Regald Coll, carried out raids in the Ocktai system orchestrated by Jedi Master Avar Kriss as part of the Jedi Order's action against the Nihil.

The starship of rogue Nihil Nan and Chancey Yarrow was discovered by the Jedi near the marauder fleet in the Ocktai system, but as the vessel was not a definitive part of the group, the Jedi expected to merely question the pair. However, Nan pulled a blaster upon encountering the Jedi, resulting in their ties to the Nihil being revealed. Despite their claims that they were no longer part of the organization, the two were taken prisoner and transported from the Ocktai system to the Starlight Beacon space station aboard a Longbeam cruiser.

The Ocktai system was mentioned in the 2022 novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.

Behind the scenes

The Ocktai system was mentioned in the 2022 novel The High Republic: The Fallen Star, written by Claudia Gray as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






