
By 3 ABY, the former Rebel Alliance general Reesen Jivrak and his small group of followers established a base on the planet. Jivrak employed his modified Science Research Droid, Geth, to synthesize toxins and inject them into the nervous systems of deripors, thereby increasing the creatures' strength and heightening their aggression. The former Rebel general then used the altered deripors in hit-and-run attacks.

Ohratuu was first mentioned in "Toria Tell's Droid Journal," an article written by Christian Piccolo and published in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 in May 1996. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Ohratuu system, and therefore the planet Ohratuu, within grid square K-16.

Behind the scenes

Ohratuu was first mentioned in "Toria Tell's Droid Journal," an article written by Christian Piccolo and published in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 in May 1996. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Ohratuu system, and therefore the planet Ohratuu, within grid square K-16.

