Following the Great Galactic War, Ord Mantell sought to remain within the Republic. However, popularity of the Ord Mantell Central Authority undermined efforts to form closer bonds with the Republic. Corruption played a key role in it ability to work with the central government. Disgusted the corruption among government officials, some on Ord Mantell began a separatist uprising against the Republic. The uprising, focused mostly in the Avilatan area, concerned the Central Authority. It's own army was not enough to contain the separatist threat, and the Central Authority asked the Republic to intervene.
Following the Great Galactic War, Ord Mantell sought to remain within the Republic. However, popularity of the Ord Mantell Central Authority undermined efforts to form closer bonds with the Republic. Corruption played a key role in it ability to work with the central government. Disgusted the corruption among government officials, some on Ord Mantell began a separatist uprising against the Republic. The uprising, focused mostly in the Avilatan area, concerned the Central Authority. It's own army was not enough to contain the separatist threat, and the Central Authority asked the Republic to intervene.