Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale

Dannik Jerriko was behind the mysterious deaths of Ak-Buz and Phlegmin. These deaths were just to satiate his vampiric hunger until he is able to gorge on Han Solo's bodily "soup." But Jerriko misses his opportunity when Jabba takes Solo to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Neither of which will return to the palace following the trip.

Plot summary

Dannik Jerriko was behind the mysterious deaths of Ak-Buz and Phlegmin. These deaths were just to satiate his vampiric hunger until he is able to gorge on Han Solo's bodily "soup." But Jerriko misses his opportunity when Jabba takes Solo to the Great Pit of Carkoon. Neither of which will return to the palace following the trip.
