Outer Rim Carve-up

The Outer Rim Carve-up was a gladiatorial event which took place prior to or during the early years of the Galactic Empire's reign. The Feeorin gladiator Warjak participated in the fight and emerged undefeated, earning him the title of champion. Later, in another gladiatorial event known as Gladiator Night, Warjak was introduced by a Pa'lowick announcer as the champion of the Outer Rim Carve-up.

The Outer Rim Carve-up was first mentioned in Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel written by Ryder Windham and released in 2014.

Behind the scenes

The Outer Rim Carve-up was first mentioned in Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel written by Ryder Windham and released in 2014.



