In the Galactic Empire, an oversector, also called priority sector, was an area of space that contained several planetary sectors and was headed by a Grand Moff. Those Grand Moffs were responsible for maintaining control beneath them, keeping the Moffs—or sector governors—in line. They included the Bright Jewel Oversector, the Maldrood Oversector and the Tolonda Oversector.
Oversectors and the rank of Grand Moff were both created at the suggestion of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin in the fifth year of Emperor Palpatine's reign. Tarkin became the first ever Grand Moff. Grand Moffs in control of an oversector had absolute authority over all other administrators and control of resources, whether it was civilian or military. It was established when a group of smaller sectors became too much of a threat, and the Grand Moffs that controlled them became significant powers in the galaxy, and were on nearly equal footing with Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader or the Inquisitors.
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