The twin ion engine contained no moving parts, and was thus low-maintenance. It was also considered to be the most precisely manufactured propulsion system in the galaxy. It was rated at 150 KTU for the TIE/LN, and 125 KTU for the TIE/sa bomber.
- Solar energy collectors (12) (six per wing panel)
- Solar energy grid monitor (one for each collector)
- Energy accumulator lines (one for each collector)
- Energizer
- Recharge system
- Heat exchange matrix
- Phase two energy collection coils (6) (three located on each wing attachment pylon)
- High pressure radioactive gas fuel tank
- SFS I-a2b solar ionization reactor
- SFS P-s4 twin ion engine array (two engines)
- SFS P-w401 ion maneuvering jets (2) (fed by twin ion engine array)
Scythe Squadron, a TIE/LN starfighter squadron was equipped with upgraded P-w702 ion maneuvering jets to improve performance within the tight confines of the second Death Star.
Sienar ultimately created an upgraded version of this engine system, the P-s5.6 twin ion engine, for use aboard TIE/IN interceptors.
The SFS P-s4 engine was an advancement of the Sienar Advanced Systems SIE-TIE twin ion engine system pioneered by Raith Sienar during the latter stages of the Separatist Crisis—although twin ion engine technology itself traced its roots back to the Sith fighters of the Sith Empire.
- Star Wars Screen Entertainment
- TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide
- The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
- TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide
- Star Wars: Incredible Cross-Sections
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader: The Official Nintendo Player's Guide
- The Official Star Wars Fact File7
- The Official Star Wars Fact File84
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Prima Official Game Guide
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption Expansion: Prima Official Game Guide
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook