The P1 first appeared in "A Princess on Lothal," the mid-season premier of the second season of the Star Wars Rebels TV series aired on Disney XD January 20, 2016. It was first identified in the corresponding episode guide on, along with Hammerhead corvettes P2 and P3. Star Wars: The Rebel Files later identified the three corvettes featured in "A Princess on Lothal" as Lightmaker, Duchess Senna, and Amity's Arrow.
Save for the lack of the Aurebesh characters "P1" on the film's model, the markings of P1 match that of the Sphyrna-class corvette featured in the late-2016 Anthology film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which was also identified as the Lightmaker by the film's novelization. However, any correspondence between the three corvettes named in The Rebel Files and the three corvettes in "A Princess on Lothal" has not been acknowledged by any official source to date.
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 22
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 23
- Star Wars Helmet Collection 45
- Star Wars: The Rebel Files
- Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
- Star Wars: Timelines