The parade gown was an outfit worn by Queen Padmé Amidala during the festivities celebrating the end of the Naboo Crisis where Naboo was liberated from the invasion of the Trade Federation in 32 BBY.
With the Trade Federation defeated and Naboo free once more, a celebration was held outside The Theed Royal Palace, which Queen Amidala attended. During the celebration, she wore a luminous pale pink ceremonial dress. The silky outfit included a kind of banner that hung from her low neckline. Over this, she wore a cape decorated with myriad pink silken petals. These petals were designed after flowers found near Padmé's home village, which bloomed only once every eighty-eight years, and so signified a time of special celebration. The pink petalled cape and long white dress was topped by an aurate fan capped with jeweled finials was commonly used to signify continuity in ancient Naboo fashion. She also wore a delicate royal diadem, and, for simplicity, wore minimal jewelry. Her hair was drawn up into a unique bun with five crescents in a star shape along the back of her head, and she wore small, white, pointed-toed shoes. The plain white dress signified her and her people's pure happiness at Naboo's newfound peace.
The parade gown was created for the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The finished costume was created by costume designer Trisha Biggar and her department.