Pegasus Strike Force

Pegasus Strike Force was under the command of Captain Longmar, whose flagship was the frigate Liberty Gambler, and also contained the warships Pegasus, Aralanni and several corvettes and transport ships.

Following Operation Venom, an Imperial offensive aimed at eliminating the Strike Force, the Pegasus and the Aralanni, along with several other warships, were dispersed to other locations in the galaxy. This left the Pegasus Strike Force with the Liberty Gambler and a few corvettes, plus several transports full of injured Rebels. During this period, the Behemoth was on the hunt for the Strike Force. Therefore Longmar sent a group of Rebel operatives to Orellon II to establish whether it was suitable safeworld.


Pegasus Strike Force was under the command of Captain Longmar, whose flagship was the frigate Liberty Gambler, and also contained the warships Pegasus, Aralanni and several corvettes and transport ships.

Following Operation Venom, an Imperial offensive aimed at eliminating the Strike Force, the Pegasus and the Aralanni, along with several other warships, were dispersed to other locations in the galaxy. This left the Pegasus Strike Force with the Liberty Gambler and a few corvettes, plus several transports full of injured Rebels. During this period, the Behemoth was on the hunt for the Strike Force. Therefore Longmar sent a group of Rebel operatives to Orellon II to establish whether it was suitable safeworld.



