Peregrine (legend)

The Peregrine was an old Corellian legend, centered around a ghostly figure. The ghost was supposedly the ghost of an old man who had been cursed to wander the world for eternity, never being able to find his home. Han Solo was told this story in his early life. In 9 ABY, Solo and his friend Lando Calrissian heard the name of the Peregrine, a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser which was the flagship of Corellian Garm Bel Iblis' private army, while traveling to the army's headquarters of Peregrine's Nest. He then told Calrissian that the name of the heavy cruiser was also the name of the Corellian legend, which he had heard when he was a child. Solo found the story "creepy."

The Peregrine was mentioned in the 1992 novel Dark Force Rising, the second installment in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy.

Behind the scenes

The Peregrine was mentioned in the 1992 novel Dark Force Rising, the second installment in Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy.






