The Bandits of Peridea, also known as Peridea bandits, were a group of nomadic bandits that roamed the desolate alien wasteland of the extragalactic planet of Peridea in the distant barred spiral far galaxy that spoke the same language as the native Noti.
The Bandits of Peridea, also known as Peridea bandits, preyed on unprotected caravans from the desolate hills of Peridea, and charging atop their howlers to swiftly attack any unsuspecting traveler.
The Bandits of Peridea attacked anyone who ventured off onto the alien surface of Peridea. In 9 ABY, they attacked the Mandalorian warrior Sabine Wren while on her search for Jedi Ezra Bridger. They wore red armor with a staff and a rifle as a weapon. They also rode Howlers into battle. Later, they also helped Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati find and attempt to kill Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger. After the Battle of Peridea, Shin Hati made her way to their camp and ignited her lightsaber, drawing their attention.