Planet Dreams, Incorporated, also called PlanetDreams, Inc. was a company specializing in creating inhabitable environments by planetscaping asteroids or inhospitable worlds with domes and other technology. The company had several chains in the galaxy, mostly centered around asteroid belts in the Mestra system and Oseon, also including worlds throughout the Greater Javin. Its clients tended to be affluent beings including the Tagge family and Lynciro Corp.
In approximately 2 ABY, the company was owned by three equal partners — Treva Horme, Wiorkettle, and Ozz — who relocated their head offices to Bespin's Cloud City. They were also planning to open a satellite office in the Tingel Arm.
The Planet Dreams partners were considering selling private hovering platforms in Bespin's Life Zone when Ozz revealed that someone was embezzling money and terraforming equipment from the company. Ozz vowed to investigate but was interrupted in 3 ABY when the Galactic Empire arrived and took control of the city. The partners decided to download all of their files and evacuate, but while Horme and Wiorkettle followed the plan, Ozz disappeared. The remaining partners moved back to the Oseon asteroid belt after fleeing Bespin.
By 43 ABY, Cix Trouvee had become the vice president of the company, a title which he held until his death that year.
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Cloud City Limited
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual