Po Ruddle Lingsnot

Po Ruddle Lingsnot was an alien used–cloud car salesman who was elected to the Council of Tourism and Extra-Planetary Investment of his home city, Cloud City on the planet Bespin. Also a member of Cloud City's ruling bureaucratic class, the Exex, Lingsnot extolled Bespin's virtues and hoped to eventually become Cloud City's Baron Administrator.


Po Ruddle Lingsnot was a Humanoid alien male individual who lived in the planet Bespin's Cloud City. Lingsnot was a used–cloud car salesman who got himself elected to the Council of Tourism and Extra-Planetary Investment and became an established member of Cloud City's ruling bureaucratic class, the Exex. He wrote a report describing Bespin at some point after Lando Calrissian became the Baron Administrator of Cloud City in 1 ABY.

Personality and traits

Lando Calrissian, Baron Administrator of Cloud City, whose title was sought by Lingsnot

Lando Calrissian, Baron Administrator of Cloud City, whose title was sought by Lingsnot

Lingsnot worked hard to get elected to the Council of Tourism and Extra-Planetary Investment. A tireless promoter, the councilman would not be content just attending meetings or remaining in his plush offices but instead attended all vital civic events with a smiling welcome for all visiting interplanetary dignitaries. He openly aimed to be Cloud City's next Baron Administrator.

Lingsnot always extolled Bespin's virtues, and his report presented the same enthusiasm. Lingsnot expressed certain opinions in writing his detailed report, noting that it was sad that Cloud City's unlicensed Port Town casinos frequently preyed on financially desperate individuals, and writing that the city was at a loss for a solution. In discussing the planet's creatures, he considered thrantas some of the most interesting, and he also wrote that it was wise for Cloud City to forbid hunting beldons since that species was speculated to exhale tibanna, a gas essential for Cloud City's economy. He had tan skin.


Lingsnot wore a white robe over a blue shirt and donned a golden necklace.

Behind the scenes

The rightmost character in this non-canon image of the Lingsnots was the basis for Po Ruddle Lingsnot.

The rightmost character in this non-canon image of the Lingsnots was the basis for Po Ruddle Lingsnot.

"The Lingsnots" were created for 1993's Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas, written by Bob Carrau. Those images accompanied a holiday newsletter where the Lingsnots wrote about their children, Ussto, Miiliki-spoorr, and Ciption, over the past year. Lucasfilm employee Leland Chee, the person in charge of the Holocron continuity database, indicated that information contained in Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas is non-canonical with respect to the Star Wars Legends continuity. The book's illustration that would be later used to represent Po Ruddle Lingsnot in-universe is similar to Nilo Rodis-Jamero's concept art for the character Bib Fortuna in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

In November 1995, Po Ruddle Lingsnot was brought into the Star Wars Legends continuity by Kevin J. Anderson's The Illustrated Star Wars Universe. Prior to that, in the summer of the same year, Lingsnot was mentioned, unnamed, in "The Write Stuff," an article that was published in the Star Wars Insider magazine's twenty-sixth issue. With that being Lingsnot's first mention in canonical—to the Legends continuity—Star Wars media, October 1995's "Another Spin Around the Galaxy," published in issue five of the Star Wars Galaxy Magazine, was the first licensed source to use Po Ruddle Lingsnot's name prior to his in-universe introduction in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.


Non-canon sources

  • Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas
