
Pong was a game where players manipulated two bars inside a box to bounce a ball in between them. A version of pong was available to Subject 1157 inside his cloning tank to test his reflexes.

Pong was one of the minigames present in official website for the LucasArts Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II video game throughout 2010. During the lead-up to the release, players could see Subject 1157's view inside the cloning tank. The game was projected on the inside of the tank, and players could have unlocked "visions" which featured video from the game.

Behind the scenes

Pong was one of the minigames present in official website for the LucasArts Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II video game throughout 2010. During the lead-up to the release, players could see Subject 1157's view inside the cloning tank. The game was projected on the inside of the tank, and players could have unlocked "visions" which featured video from the game.
