Predne Balu was a male Imperial Assistant Security Officer from Tatooine. He was a coworker of Feltipern Trevagg.
Trevagg caught sight of M'iiyoom Onith, a female H'nemthe. Balu warned Feltipern to when he was attempting to bed her. However, stubborn Trevagg didn't listen to him, and was killed during their mating ritual. Balu's surprised reaction to Wuher's fingering of M'iiyoom Onith in Trevagg's murder suggests that Balu did not know of the danger Trevagg was in.
As a security officer, Balu patrolled the streets of Mos Eisley. He wore dark blue pants and vest, gray shirt, and tan holster and belt.
In the audio dramatization of Nightlily: The Lovers' Tale, the character was voiced by Russell Horton.
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