Prefsbelt Fleet Camp, also known simply as Prefsbelt Academy, was a naval academy located on the planet of Prefsbelt IV, in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories. Originally affiliated with the Galactic Republic, it became a part of the Galactic Empire's military training program after the Clone Wars. Notable alumni of the Prefsbelt Academy included Wilhuff Tarkin, Dodd Rancit, and Rae Sloane. Derek "Hobbie" Klivian and Biggs Darklighter met each other at the Prefsbelt Fleet Camp before eventually becoming pilots for the Rebel Alliance.
- Biggs Darklighter
- Derek Klivian
- Dodd Rancit
- Rae Sloane
- Wilhuff Tarkin
- Fatimah Nurii
- Ultimate Star Wars
- Dawn of Rebellion