Arriving on the planet in their starship, the agents faced the hostile conditions of Puloorn before finally locating the temple. Inside the structure, the team faced the inhabitants of the ruins as well as its system of defenses, and the group eventually returned to the Republic capital world Coruscant.
Puloorn was a distant and isolated terrestrial planet located in the Puloorn system, a part of the Spinward sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was a cold, snow-covered world. Drawn to the strong presence the planet's Sith temple had in the dark side of the Force, twisted, dark creatures had arrived there from off-world.
At some point, a temple was built on Puloorn that was used by the Sith, an order of Force-users utilizing the dark side of the Force. Long after that, the structure had become ruined and abandoned, and the final of a series of official survey reports of Puloorn did not acknowledge the presence of the temple at all. Eventually, a cultist group established its base of operations within the ruins.
The circulation of rumors regarding the existence of the Sith temple on Puloorn led Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Galactic Republic to dispatch a team of agents on a mission to the planet at some point between 32 BBY and 19 BBY. The team included the Wookiee scout Rorworr, the Human Jedi Sia-Lan Wezz, the Twi'lek scoundrel Deel Surool, and the Human soldier Vor'en Kurn, and its task was to investigate the ruins of the temple on Puloorn. The team gathered what little information it could find on the planet, gathered the supplies necessary for the mission, and readied its starship for the long trip from Coruscant, the Core Worlds planet that served as the capital of the Galactic Republic.
When the Supreme Chancellor's team eventually arrived on Puloorn, it had to face the world's hostile conditions while locating the ruined temple. After finally confirming the existence of the structure, the agents entered the temple. Inside, the team faced the structure's defenses as well as the cultists and the creatures corrupted by the dark side of the Force that had all come to reside in the ruins. Eventually, the team concluded its mission, returned to its starship and traveled back to Coruscant.
An official survey report of Puloorn did not mention any inhabitants or signs of civilization on the planet, despite the presence of a Sith temple there. By the time Supreme Chancellor Palpatine dispatched agents to Puloorn, a group of cultists was using the ruins of the temple as a base.
A ruined Sith temple with dark interior was located on Puloorn. The structure was outfitted with a set of ancient defenses.
Puloorn was first mentioned in the 2000 core rulebook for the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game. In the book, Puloorn is described as the setting for a mission in a hypothetical roleplaying game adventure. This article assumes the scenario plays out as described, with the player-characters facing all the challenges suggested in the section featuring Puloorn. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square L-17.
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
- Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook