
QN-1, or Quin was a therapy droid owned by Axel Greylark, the son of Galactic Republic Chancellor Kyong Greylark. It was given to him after his father was killed during a diplomatic mission to Melida/Daan that left Axel traumatized. The droid had a triangular panel that changed color based on the emotion that it was attempting to express. QN-1 then continued to accompany Axel throughout his life, and in 382 BBY accompanied him to the Eiram system to represent his mother and report back to her on fellow Chancellor Orlen Mollo's attempt at peace in the Eiram and E'ronoh War. Using QN-1, Axel recorded summaries of his experiences and the events happening, recordings that were later discovered and retrieved from QN-1 by the Jedi Order and incriminated him in a conspiracy to keep the planets Eiram and E'ronoh at war.

Becoming Axel’s Therapy Droid

Shortly after Axel’s father’s death at the hands of pirates, QN-1 was gifted to him as a therapy droid. Quin would then follow Axel around, becoming a close companion to the distressed and wayward young man.

Trouble at Raik’s Parlor

Thirteen years later, QN-1 was still by Axel’s side, hiding drinks and a silver blaster in his hidden triangular compartment. On one particular night on Coruscant, during the Eiram and E’ronoh crisis, Quin was with Axel as he gambled at Raik’s Parlor late into the night. When Raik believed Axel to be cheating, she threatened to cut off some locks of his dark hair, resulting in Axel to start a firefight with Quin zapping Raik and her bodyguards.

However, Axel was soon apprehended by the Coruscant Guard, and taken into custody, with QN-1 being kept with Axel’s belongings under the watchful eye of the warden.

Axel’s own mother Kyong, one of two Co-Chancellors in the Galactic Republic, bailed him not long after, and Axel was estatic to see his droid safe in one piece. When he returned home, and she reprimanded him and told him of his mission to Eiram and E’ronoh, QN-1 waited outside her office, trilling as she asked Axel if he would like a new droid for the mission. Axel, having formed a bond with his droid, refused.

Journey to Eiram and E’ronoh

QN-1 accompanied Axel on his journey to the Eiram and E’ronoh system, and became concerned that they were late, prompting Axel to reassure his droid. When they arrived onboard Chancellor Mollo’s Longbeam, the Paxion, Axel and his droid found nobody there to greet them, QN-1 suggesting in droidspeak that everyone might be sleeping, despite the bright lights of the hangar.

As they wandered the corridors, QN-1 was asked by Axel to record what he saw. Axel briefly considered waiting in his suite until he found the door was locked, but the pair soon found Chancellor Mollo, several Jedi, and Eirami and E’roni representatives gathered in another large suite. Axel’s interruption was met with annoyance by Jedi Knight Gella Nattai, while QN-1 consulted with a nearby protocol droid.

Following the meetings, and escalating tensions at a funeral on E’ronoh, Axel joined Gella as a chaperone and bodyguard for the newly betrothed heirs of E’ronoh and Eiram as they delivered aid and defused tensions across E’ronoh’s surface. Naturally, QN-1 accompanied Axel onboard the Amaryliss, and loyal as ever, warned him to not get on the heirs’ nerves.

As they voyaged the E’ronoh deserts onboard the barge, Axel had Quin record daily reports to send back to his mother on Coruscant. During this time, Quin and Gella had began to bond, its light panels glowing violet whenever she was around.

Encountering Dangers

When crew of the Amaryliss encountered soldiers not yet ready to give up the fighting, QN-1 came in handy at helping them find Phan-tu when he got lost in the caves and assisting in Xiri and Phan-Tu’s escape from Rev Ferrol.

After Axel was ordered by the Mother to tie up loose ends, he took Gella to Hesperys Station under the guise of ‘collecting information’, before getting her involved in a cage fight against self proclaimed “Wrath of the Jedi” aka Dario Melek. As he was preparing to leave, QN-1 once again glowed violet, reminding Axel of the bond both of them had made with Gella.

So, the two of them came back for Gella and escaped with her and the information needed to lock Rev Ferrol’s father away.

When Axel returned to Eiram, he was whisked away by Phan-tu to a poison manufacturing facility on an Eirami island, where the former hid three vials inside QN-1’s secret compartment. After Axel’s recovery from a scorpion bite, QN-1 was supposed to deliver the poison to Binnot, one of the Mother’s subordinates, when Axel had a change of heart and kept the poison for himself.

While Axel was away for the night, QN-1 was attacked by Viceroy Ferrol, who ripped the droid apart and left it in pieces. Upon discovering the droid and dispatching Ferrol, Axel begged the fallen droid for its forgiveness as he took the vials and left.

QN-1 was able to be repaired by Gella and she soon learnt of Axel’s treachery and how he’d been working against them the whole time. The evidence QN-1 had stored in its databanks had led to Nattai confronting Axel and apprehending him.

Axel’s Escape

Following Axel’s arrest and transfer to a Pipyrr prison, QN-1 remained with Gella onboard the Axel’s former ship the Eventide. But Quin wouldn’t be separated from her former companion for long. Gella and Jedi Master Orin Dargha soon had a seemingly sickly Axel transferred into their custody, but Binnot intercepted their ship and stormed aboard with a few pirates. Axel joined his old friend with his companion droid QN-1 in tow, but the Mirialan Path member didn’t really take kindly to QN-1.. The pair remained together when they changed ships on Jedha and until they reached Dalna.


Inside the Path Compound on Dalna, Axel sent a message to his mother, claiming to be held hostage by the Mother and requesting that she have her decisions as chancellor influenced by the Mother. However, much to Axel’s shock and the Mother’s terror, Chancellor Greylark resigned, so the Mother cast Axel aside and had Binnot put him to work. Binnot, having previously shown dislike towards QN-1, smashed the poor droid to pieces as a helpless Axel watched. only this time, it couldn’t be repaired, and the poor droid was destroyed.












