Quasar Cargo

Quasar Cargo was a company that supplied the Liberty Task Force after the Rebel Alliance arranged a contract with Dunari.

Craft of that company are seen in mission 5:2 of Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, if the player identifies the craft escorting the Liberty, before proceeding to the hyperspace and the main objective of the mission. They exist purely to add realism and consistency to the game (mission 5:1 concerned the arrangement of supplying procedures between the Alliance and Dunari).

Behind the scenes

Craft of that company are seen in mission 5:2 of Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, if the player identifies the craft escorting the Liberty, before proceeding to the hyperspace and the main objective of the mission. They exist purely to add realism and consistency to the game (mission 5:1 concerned the arrangement of supplying procedures between the Alliance and Dunari).



