In 19 BBY, during the Clone Wars, a shipment of spice belonging to the Pyke Syndicate was raided by the Galactic Republic on its arrival to Coruscant, with the drug being seized. None of the Pykes escorting the shipment made it back to the syndicate. The loss was of great concern to Pyke leader Marg Krim, as it meant the displeasure of Maul, the leader of the Shadow Collective which the Pykes were a member of. Informed of the loss, Maul took the loss of Krim's men as a sign that the Jedi had been involved in the raid.
The raid was first mentioned in "Together Again," the eighth episode of the seventh and final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which premiered on April 10, 2020.
The raid was first mentioned in "Together Again," the eighth episode of the seventh and final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which premiered on April 10, 2020.