Rampa 2, also known as Rampa II, was a planet located in the Rampa Minor system, within the Baxel sector of the Outer Rim Territories.
In 4 BBY, the Galactic Empire maintained an emplacement on Rampa 2 which became the target of a popular uprising. Although the rebels were brutally suppressed by the Empire— which claimed in its propaganda that the revolters had turned their weapons on innocent civilians—they inspired a similar insurrection on Rampa 1.
Rampa 2 was first mentioned in the 1997 novel The Hutt Gambit, the second volume of Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy written by A. C. Crispin. It was mentioned again in the 1998 novel Rebel Dawn, the third volume of the trilogy.
The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas created the Rampa Minor system to differentiate Rampa 1 and Rampa 2 from Rampa III, a planet introduced in Brian Daley's Star Wars: The Han Solo Adventures, establishing that they are not in the same system.
Though The Essential Atlas places the Rampa Minor system rimward of Hutt Space, comments made by Han Solo during the events of The Hutt Gambit seem to imply that both Rampa 1 and Rampa 2 are not located in the Outer Rim Territories but rather closer to Coruscant and civilization.