Rappapor was taught the art of smuggling by his father, who was also a smuggler. He and Faughn helped Gillespee escape from Ukio just before Thrawn's forces moved in to take over. The Bith was also present at the meeting in which Talon Karrde presented his plans to steal the crystal gravfield trap from Bilbringi.
Rappapor was a moderately talented pilot and con artist. He liked to haggle and pull practical jokes, usually on Gillespee. He was not as intellectually inclined as most Bith, and this lead him to be an outcast in their society.
He often wore baggy red trousers, a black tunic, and a white flight vest. He would carry a heavy blaster pistol.
- The Last Command Sourcebook
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia