
Rattle was originally intended to be included in Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy, the first installment of Jason Fry's Servants of the Empire junior novel series. He would have helped the series' protagonist, Zare Leonis, by imparting leadership lessons from the Clone Wars, which the boy would have used while playing grav-ball. However, the creative team behind the animated TV series Star Wars Rebels asked Fry to get rid of the character, warning that it would scoop a storyline they were developing for the show's second season.

Behind the scenes

Rattle was originally intended to be included in Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy, the first installment of Jason Fry's Servants of the Empire junior novel series. He would have helped the series' protagonist, Zare Leonis, by imparting leadership lessons from the Clone Wars, which the boy would have used while playing grav-ball. However, the creative team behind the animated TV series Star Wars Rebels asked Fry to get rid of the character, warning that it would scoop a storyline they were developing for the show's second season.
