Rei'Kas, also known as Rei'Kas the Rodian, was initially a member of the Jrahl Ferrin gang in Daslkehnt. Rei'Kas decided to leave this group after a discussion about the distribution of one bounty.
In 6 ABY, Rei'Kas was a strike team leader with the Karazak Slavers Cooperative, and an associate of fellow Karazaks Avril Gresh, Seland' Ir, Krassis Trelix and Yanix Dev. Rei'Kas was described as being rough, violent and vicious and he irritated almost everyone he worked with. Notwithstanding his personal sadism, he was promoted in the Cooperative by sheer persistence and determination.
In 19 ABY, Rei'Kas was an enemy of Crev Bombaasa's whom Talon Karrde encountered on Exocron while seeking Jorj Car'das. To Karrde's surprise, Rei'kas's fleet was destroyed by the Aing-Tii Monks.
- Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
- Scum and Villainy
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia